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Thursday 8 January 2009

The secret powers behind my goal getting

I was in the bank yesterday and two kids next to me were discussing some story about cash machines and identity fraud.

One turned to the other and said "You know it's true though because it was on the news and they're not going to get wrong are they!"

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The news is possibly the last thing you should ever watch. If someone can think of something positive they get out of watching the news (and you need to REALLY think about that before you attack me) I'd like to hear it.

I mean something which enables you to have a better experience in life, enables you to be more positive about being on this earth or enable you to help other people.

After all is that not the three most important things?

Anyway, my point is that there is so much cr*p out there you need to be focussed and surround yourself ENTIRELY with what you want to become.

This means reading books by people you want to emulate.
This means watching programs which will encourage you to have life-changing experiences.
This means being around people who won't encourage you to get drunk, eat junk food, skimp on training or do anything which doesn't stimulate you to be the best you can be mentally and physically.

I've been reminded of this as I follow two things which are having a huge impact on my life right now.

1) I am following Dax Moy's Magic Hundred Goal Achievement program. It is absolutely kicking my butt into getting more in all areas of my life - health, education, finance, my career and in my personal relationships.

I'm training harder, working smarter and enjoying life a lot more largely because I am around people in the forums (and Dax of course) who push me to be better

2) The guys who are competing in the Global Fat Loss Battle have come together and actually formed a really supportive team!

It is working a treat because no-one wants to fall behind the others. They push each other, encourage each other and as a result they are all making excellent progress in the contest even though we're only a day in.

Some have already done things they didn't think possible.

You can follow their fledgling blogs on my free community.

As a subscriber of mine you've taken one step by reading my emails.

You'll either unsubscribe and keeping going round in circles or you'll let me kick you through 2009 with passion, drive and a demand for better in your life!

The problem is my words are useless. They have no value.

My forums and websites are equally lacking value.

Once people act on them though. Well, I've seen the results and so have a lot of other people!

Words are nothing. Action is everything.

More on my Magic Hundred progress soon!

Surround yourself with what you want to become,

PS If you want to get on the Fat Loss Action Blueprint and start your own blog this is your chance to join the family and let them drive you to the goals you keep promising!

PPS Or join me on the Magic Hundred program and we can push each other to achieve all we want this year.

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