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Wednesday 15 April 2009

Jon versus Craig Ballantyne

This week I managed to grab Turbulence Training's Craig Ballantyne on the phone to pick his brains on fat loss and why he uses certain methods.

(Note to self - interview people in the same time zone as you next time...)

I often get asked what's better out of my own Storm Force Fitness methods (such as the Fat Loss Action Blueprint) and Turbulence Training so I thought I'd get hold of Craig and see if we could figure it out.

Now rather than give the answer that lines my pockets, I say the same things every time I get asked that question and this still rings true even after speaking to Craig.

1) They both work very well, very fast because they're based on.....

.... clean nutrition which is easy to follow
.... weight training and interval methods over 'cardio'
.... intensity over duration
.... enjoying fitness and a love for training adn the feelings that follow
.... supportive communities

2) They are both created and continually improved by guys who love fat loss and fitness and have created profits from a love of what they do and not the other way around.

3) They are both great for fast fat loss if you complete the programs from start to finish and don't wander off half way through or pick out the bits you like.

4) They are both useless if you buy them and leave them on your hard drive for 'when you've got time'. Funnily enough that time never arrives.

Craig and I have very similar views on a lot of things to do with training and nutrition for body fat but it's always good to hear WHY two experts share the same views.

If they do, then maybe, just maybe it's because we know DAMN WELL that these methods work every time as opposed to the magazine writers who largely guess or create piecemeal articles from lots of different sources.

Here's 40 minutes of me questioning Craig on everything from supersets and intermittent fasting to why he doesn't listen to the peanut butter haters.

(And don't worry I specifically told him we weren't going down the no cardio route!)

We got so much covered I had to make 4 videos!

Check out the Fat Loss Action Blueprint and Turbulence Training for fast working fat loss


Charliewall said...

oh my god!!!! How did you get this??? Well done Jon, im jealous, but very impressed!!

Fit2be... said...

Well said charlie!! How on earth do you get to chit chat the THE craig Ba;;antyne! I guess we'll now be saying THE Jon Le Tocq too.... Great stuff Jon.

Just little Old Me! said...

To be honest I have never really looked at your blog when I get the newsletters. Not even really sure how I ended up signed up. But I LOVE this interview!! I think I may have to Marry Craig B because he just told me that I can have lovely delicious chocolate milk instead of spending all that money on Prograde for a post workout recovery drink!! Ohhh and love the accent! (Though I know it's not an accent to you!):)
Will have to make sure to check out your newsletters more closely now!

Anonymous said...

Awesome interview, Jon!

Thank you so much for posting this...Kudos to you and Craig B. for providing us with this interview!

I've already got TT; looks like I'm going to have to get your FLAB program as well! Thanks again!

Jon Le Tocq, Storm Force Fitness said...

Charlie - quality eventually attracts quality one way or another! ;-)

April - I'm hurt! How could you ignore me?! I want to try this chocolate milk too but not sure we get it over in the UK. Are you referring to my accent?!

Fred - Anytime fella! I'll have some more for you in the coming months

Craig Ballantyne, CTT, Certified Turbulence Trainer said...


Great stuff, and again, I just want to sincerely say that your interview was one of the best I've done...

...simply because you took the time to investigate and create unique questions.

Really great stuff. Pleasure talking to you.


Just little Old Me! said...

Oh Sorry didn't mean to hurt any feelings. Man I just read so many people's fitness stuff I can only take in so much!! Plus just like this interview says KEEP IT SIMPLE! I find if I follow to many people that I just get TO MANY opinions and get confused!!! Gotta keep it simple right? True to my word though I am off to check out today's blog!!!

Yes I was referring to your accent not Craig's!!!

Just little Old Me! said...

Sorry I don't really have anything else to say just wanted to be able to push the "follow" button which I forgot the first time! :)